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A girl who rose from the ashes...and now is trying to make sense of this complicated world through her writing.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Giving Thanks

When people are in a situation where they are asked to list their gratitudes in front of others, the natural tendency is to focus on the big things:  their health, their job, their family, their friends.  And while that is all well and good, I believe it is also important to focus on the tiniest things in life that bring us joy. Joy brings more joy, which in turn brings more joy.  It's how we create our contentment, our peace.

So today I am grateful for things like a funny joke made by an amazingly resilient friend.  ("I lost a husband this year and got a dog.  I traded up.") For things like looking through the Black Friday ads and feeling confident there is not a single sale item that I will ever be compelled to go stand in line for at a Black Friday sale.  (I have abundance. I don't need more abundance from Wal-Mart.)  For things like sprawling out on the couch with my family and watching a touching documentary.  (Racing Dreams - you should see it, too.) For things like the first and last bite of my sister's coconut custard pie.  (It's seriously amazing.  Every. Single. Time.)

I love this life of mine.  I really do. Today I am reminded why.

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